Code Key for Variables


Please note that SIMPLER has a new and updated variable list (June 2022).

The tab "Categories and Content" in the excel file gives you an overview of how the information is structured. It is recommended that you go through that tab before starting to choose variables.

Always download the variable list anew for each application to ensure you have the latest version.

When applying for data, delete unwanted variables from the excel file, and keep requested variables in the variable list you upload in iLab. Use this Swedish version of the variable list Excel, 244 kB. (excel document) when needed, for example for ethical applications. DO NOT use the Swedish version when applying for data.

A code key for the clinical cohorts is under revison, meanwhile you are welcome to contact the SIMPLER Office for details if you would like to request clinical variables.


For questions regarding the infrastructure, cohorts, or the SIMPLER biobank, you are welcome to contact the SIMPLER Office at

For questions regarding the precossing of personal data at Uppsala University, please contact the data protection officer. This is easily done through the form available on the university's Data protection policy webpage.