A research infrastructure for a healthy life

Data Access

Swedish Infrastructure for Medical Population-based Life-course and Environmental Research – SIMPLER


SIMPLER is an infrastructure with the purpose of providing national and international researchers with data for research about dietary and lifestyle factors as well as genetics, and how they affect our health, particularly in the latter part of life. The data in the SIMPLER database is collected from samples and questionnaire responses from two cohorts which form the basis of SIMPLER.


SIMPLER's smorgasbord of data and samples are made available for research projects via an application process. Criteria for use of SIMPLER data include an ethical approval from the Swedish Ethical Review Board and clear and relevant research questions. Researchers in academia as well as in the business sector are welcome to apply for a project in SIMPLER.

Graphic representation of the data SIMPLER contains

SIMPLER's smorgasbord consists of data and samples available for research.

News within SIMPLER


Uppsala universitet
Karolinska Institutet
Örebro universitet
Region Uppsala's logo
Region Västmanland
Region Örebro Län


Swedish National Infrastructures


For questions regarding the infrastructure, cohorts, or the SIMPLER biobank, you are welcome to contact the SIMPLER Office at

For questions regarding the precossing of personal data at Uppsala University, please contact the data protection officer. This is easily done through the form available on the university's Data protection policy webpage.